Last summer I was in Malaga with my family. I have done lots of things with my friends and my cousins.
One day I was in the beach with my friends and we spent all the day there, we arrived at 11.30 am more or less, but it was 6 p.m. when my friend started to feel bad. He went to the shower because he tought that fresh water could eliminate the itch that he had for all the body. Suddenly his eyes started to get bigger and in this moment he had his body covered by welts.
The lifeguard said us that he could not go out but he indicated us to go to the ambulatory of the zone. We run because he was very bad and the rest were afraid. When we arrived, the ambulatory was closed so we could not enter. After that we tought that we had to take a taxi to go to the hospital. When we were in the taxi, my friend was dizzy and he fainted. Taxi driver was driving very fast because we could not do anything in these moment. We arived at hospital and my friend came in with the nurse and she said that he ate something in bad condition or he was long time in the sun.


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